Elizabeth Guesthouse Csesztreg

Places of interest

The most important attractions in Csesztreg:

Árpád-era church The parish church may have been built in the second half of the 13th century. First its written mention dates from 1323. It took its final form in 1803 with the help of the Eszterházy family. It was then that Dorffmeister Jr painted his frescoes. The small church to the east is single-nave, lenghty with a sanctuary closing on three sides of the octagon and a single facade tower on Kossuth Street.

Tölgyfaliget leisure Park:The building complex handed over in 2001, is an artificial one It is located next to a dammed lake on the border of the village. The István-Gizella Bell Tower rises in the park area, which serves as a look-out point. The Cuckoo Flower nature trail is located in the area, which is 1,400 m long and presents playfully the characteristic wildlife and natural treasures of the area. The lake offers excellent water quality for both bathers and fishing enthusiasts. In addition to the buildings, there are two football fields, a handball field, and a beach volleyball field. These could make visitors forget about everyday problems.

The House of Kanász: Shepherds occupied a special place in village society, mostly on its border. Since they did not own land, they were among the poorest, but their lack of attachment to place and employer gave them a certain "rank". Their lives are presented in the shepherd's house in Ady Street, which is the result of the work of enthusiastic local collectors - led by Imre Paksa - the local government that maintains it and the Göcsej Museum.

House of traditions: The local government renovated a beautiful 120-year-old farmhouse. In the first part of the building, the XX. museum reflecting the peasant way of life of the first half of the 20th century was created, with original furniture and objects, as well as a permanent exhibition of old photos.

Main attractions in the area:

The meeting point of the Őrség–Göcsej–Hetés landscape units serves as a great starting point for visiting all three landscape units which offers many opportunities and many recreational facilities for visitors. Just like Őrség catering, pottery and oil presses. In addition to visiting the Mura region, you can visit the castle of Lendva, it’s lookout point and orchid farm as well as the Göcseji Village Museum, the TV lookout point in Basita, and the AquaCity in Zalaegerszeg, the Thermal bath in Lenti or Lake Vadása. The area offers opportunities for pedestrians, cyclists and for car tours as well. Hiking trails planned for help hikers relax.

Special offers: to do pottery, pick mushrooms, visiting the strudel house, cooking traditional langalló vagy dödölle etc.


Address: 8973 Csesztreg, Rákóczi Ferenc str 42.
Tel: +36 70 330 04 14

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